Social Media

Circulating Ahaadith via social media

Q: It is fast becoming a common trend for the English translation of Ahaadith to be circulated via social media eg. whatsapp etc. Recipients generally read these messages wherever they may be and in whatever state they may be in. Some examples of these are, the recipient may be in a mall shopping or driving or at the beach or whilst eating or in a social gathering etc. Often, recipients not being desirous of reading the hadith or may have received that hadith from ten other contacts, ends up just browsing through the hadith like any other unimportant chat. It appears that the respect of hadith is lost due to this type of circulation.

1) Is it in keeping with the adab of ahaadith etc to read it on the mobile phone?

2) Will it be more appropriate to send a hadith to a specific person only upon the request of the recipient?

Social media

Q: It has become extremely common for the English translation of a hadith to be forwarded via social media i.e without the original Arabic text. Many people consider this a form of Da'wah.

1) Is it correct to create or forward such messages?

2) Will the respect of Hadeeth be lost if many such messages circulate without the recipients requesting to receive it?

3) Is it advisable for a layman to read a translation of a hadith without getting a full explanation directly from an alim?

Baseless messages

Q: I recieved the following text message, is it compulsory  for me to forward the message to others in my contact list, because he has taken a oath, what does  shariah say regarding such a message?

A message from a brother in Deen; (Name was mentioned here) from London (England).

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

My dear brothers & sisters, I make an oath with you in front of Allah (swt) and I leave this as an amaanah with you until the Day of Judgement. If you opened this message (& read it) I ask you to please send to all your contacts. I ask you to please make dua for a good friend of mine (Name was mentioned here) that Allah (swt) gives him shifaa'a. He is a young man who has a very aggressive form of brain cancer, the hospital sent him home and informed him and his family that the cancer is not responding to the chemotherapy. I therefore ask you in the name of Allah (swt) not to close this message before you have sent it to at the very least half of your contacts, because one day you too will need dua and an oath (amanah) makes the mountains shake. Please do dua as Allah will hear someone somewhere. Wherever you are.