Acquiring Deeni Knowledge

Fuqahaa explaining the parameters of Deen

Q: In Bahishti Zewar, there are many masaail that speak about a husband who can have sexual intercourse with a minor. There was 1 certain masa'ala that (if a husband has sexual intercourse with a minor where there is a fear of her vaginal tissues coming together then ghusl is not fard upon her pg. 74 quoted briefly).

Mas'ala was quite graphic and gave me a headache just by thinking about it. My question is, won't that be considered as paedophilia. Does Islam really allow having intercourse with minors. If not then why are these masaail mentioned in Fiqhi books. Your detailed explanation will highly be appreciated.

Referring to a qualified Aalim whom one has confidence in


1. How can a layman get true knowledge regarding spending his life as per Sunnah where one may not know the meanings or the concept of saheeh or zaeef ahadeedh

2. Where and how can he differentiate between 2 or more saheeh ahadeeth which are contradicting each other

3. How could he know about the nasikh and mansookh ahadeeth?

4. How could a salaried person approach muftis regularly out of his busy schedule?