
Security punishing an offender

Q: My father is head of security of the place where we live. Its his duty to impound those bikes or cars which is driven by underage drivers or if a driver is not wearing a helmet. One day my father saw a boy driving a bike. He was underage and was not wearing a helmet. My father hooted to stop him but he increased the speed of his bike. My father did the same and he further increase the speed. The boy stopped his bike and hid himself and bike in his house. My father stopped his car near his house and asked his friend to tell him the name of biker. My father was angry at that time and he kept asking the boy for the name of the boy. He said he doesnt know, then he started swearing my father. Everytime my father asked his name, he kept on lying. So then my father said that if you wont tell me I will take you to jail. He kept on making excuses and kept on lying. Due to my fathers anger, he held the boy from the collar and slapped him on his face, even after all this he didn't tell my father. My father called a policeman and when the policeman asked the boy, the boy told him. What my father did, was it right or wrong? If it was wrong, what is its kaffara without telling or asking the boy whom my father slapped.

Punishment for zina

Q: I did zina and prayed for forgiveness from true heart. I don't have inner satisfaction. I live in Pakistan where Islamic punishments are not enforced, how can I get the punishment of 80 lashes other then that can I explain the topic zina to my family? 

Punishment for zina

Q: I want to know about the punishment given for committing zina. They say they should be given 100 lashes. My question is, what if the two that committed zina, never committed it with another person, and both are willing to get married, are they still given this punishment?

Punishment for suicide

Q: "Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever", [Bukhaaree (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110).

Please enlighten me if the person who killed him or her self and is a muslim. Would they remain in hell for ever is this what this hadith means.What I heard if any person has a small bit of imaan they eventually will go to jannah. Please explain this in detail please.