Doubtful Foods & Drinks

Doubtful foods

Q: Are mushbooh foods considered najis? If I have some food which I later found out contained some mushbooh ingredients, and there is some residue/crumbs in my kitchen, do I consider this najis?

Drinking mocha ice frappe with less than 0.05% alcohol

Q: In McDonalds, the mocha ice frappe I used to buy was said by McDonalds to be suitable for vegetarians. However, apparently the whip used on top has less than 0.05% alcohol in it. I read this statement by McDonalds: “The level of alcohol is very low and evaporates during the process. The alcohol level in the final Caramel Iced Frappe, Chocolate Chip Iced Frappe and whipped cream is less that 0.05%.“ Does this mean I can purchase the drink based on this knowledge?

Are vitamins in milk halaal?

Q: In Saudi Arabia all milk are fotified with vitamin A and D which we dont know whether it is halaal or haraam. Since we are female we cannot make complete investigations and enquiries. We have not been drinking milk for approximately 6 months. But we need to drink milk for nutritional purposes. Can we drink the milk or not? My younger sister is weak and she needs to drink milk.