Pregnancy and Parenting

Adding extra money for one child so that the investment for both children will be equal

Q: I've got two sons. They're toddlers. 

My elder son received alot of money as a gift when he was a baby while the second one didn't receive as much. I was thinking of converting their cash to gold. Will it be okay for me to give money to add only to the younger one so I can get the same amount of gold for each child or will it be unfair to the older child? 

We will not inform them of this when they are older.

Father assisting one son financially

Q: Should a parent be equal to all of their children in terms of finance and gifts? 

For example: There are 4 brothers. No. 1 is a doctor, set up by the father but paid back. No. 2 is in the business with his father as a partner, also paid back. No. 3 is still studying. No. 4 is an aalim and recently started working in the business. The father wants to set no. 4 up eventually. 

Question: Will it be fair if the father sets up no. 4 in the business, without paying back. Basically giving him a business and not giving any other brother the same.

Disposing of hair, nails, placenta, etc. after childbirth

Q: I have been blessed with a bay boy in January 2024, Alhumdulillah! I have with me the belly button which fell from the baby's umbilical cord after a few days when the baby was born. I also have with me his hair which I had got shaved on the 7th day. So my question is:

1. I would like to bury this belly button so called (umbilical cord) and the hair of the baby in the graveyard as I think it would remain safe in the corner of the graveyard in the mud or can I bury it in the grave of my late father? Is is permissible to do this or not? As nowadays there are flats systems so one finds it difficult to get mud everywhere.

2. My family members are saying to drown it in the river as it will be safer there and not in the graveyard. They are saying that if there is a masjid and it has a ground or yard one can get it buried there.

What is the proper way to dispose these body parts like hair, nails, placenta etc. in your opinion?