Difference between Meeladun Nabi and Khatme Khawajgan
Q: Can you kindly explain to me why meeladun Nabi is bidat and khatme khawajgan is not.
Q: Can you kindly explain to me why meeladun Nabi is bidat and khatme khawajgan is not.
Q: There are some specific prescribed Zikr by the Ulema and Mashaykh which are called "Wazifa". These are certain Azkaar of reading a Dua, or Ayah of Quran or the names of Allah for a specific number of times in order to achieve something.
My question is that, do we have evidences from the Quran, Sunnah and the practice of the Salaf on practicing these prescribed Azkaar? Can you please list them in detail with references.
Q: Is it permissible to use the following zikr:
Alhamdulil ladhi khalaq as samawat e wan noor.
Translation: Praise be to the one who created the heavens and the light
Q: In our musjid they recite a heart touching zikar after every fajr which goes like 'la Ila ilallah kareemus sataar,la ilah illah wahidul kahaar... they continue chanting different names/powers of Allah SWT in a definite order. I want to memorise it but can't find it on Google or YouTube because I don't know the name of this particular zikr.
Can you please tell me the name of this zikr so I can find this online.
Q: Is it permissible to make any form of zikr when one's satr is open. Like wearing a three-quarter trouser where below one's knees is open. What type of zikr can be made with one's satr opened.
Q: What is meant by remembrance of Allah? Does it mean things like zikr? Saying Subhanallah, Alhumdulillah, etc? Is dua remembrance of Allah?
What if you remember Allah in your heart or mind, is that also remembrance of Allah?
Q: Is loud zikr in congregation permissible?
Q: What is the ruling on ladies reading the Khwaja khatam in a group loudly for people who are ill and thereafter having tea? Is it advisable for them to carry on and is it a sunnah?
Q: Did our prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) take part in zikr before praying Salaatul Janaazah?
Q: When one makes zikr, you are told that it is the quality that matters not the quantity. I have decided to read a million durood shareef. I am going to read in haste to achieve my goal. Is this advisable or should I just read a little and not worry about numbers.