Respect for Deeni Literature

Commencing a report with Bismillah

Q: Insha Allah, I will soon be submitting a final report for my studies. The document contains an 'Acknowledgements' page, which I would like to begin with the complete English translation of: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. However, I am afraid of disrespecting the name of Allah, as I am not sure how the document will be handled. Would it be best not to print Bismillah, or will it be permissible to instead print 'In the name of the Almighty', or something similar? Please could Mufti Saab advise on what/what not to print.

Dua paper falling on the floor

Q: I am a very doubtful person and in my kitchen I have printed a paper with the before and after food dua so my family and myself remember to read it. This morning when I went to go eat breakfast I was sitting at the table when my sister walked by and said the paper with the dua is on the floor near my seat so she picked it up and put it back on the wall. I didn't remember seeing the paper when I went to sit down so I don't think I stepped on it but now I can't stop thinking what if I did. It may have fallen after I sat down because i can't remember seeing it when I went to go sit down but I am a very doubtful person and now I don't know what to do? Will I be severely punished for my actions. I didn't mean for it to fall or not to pick it up or step on it. I'm not even sure if I did because I think it might have fallen after I sat down but now I can't stop thinking about it. What do I do? I am usually very careful with stuff that has Qur'an words on it to only touch when I am clean and now I don't know what to do? I keep doubting myself what if I stepped on it without noticing? What can I do now?

Picking up a lost paper


1. What rule of lost property should be followed if one sees a page with the Mubaarak Name of الله تعالى lying on the floor?

2. If one saw صلى الله عليه وسلم تسليما كثيرا كثيرا on a page, picked it up and because there was no immediate place available to leave it put it into his copy of القرآن الكريم, he then forgot about it until he went home to another country. What happens if he burnt it?

3. What happens in a similar situation where words are written in a foreign language (that one does not understand) on a page which is found lying on the Mataaf sharif and because of many carrying duaas he assumes that that is the nature of the page and does as mentioned above (returns home, burns it)?

Disposing of a cassette

Q: I would like to know how does one dispose of a cassette properly that has Quraan and Naats on them? I have many and because new technology in cars doesn't allow to play cassettes any longer, what is the proper way to dispose of them bearing in mind any effects on environment.