Masturbation and Pornography

Undergoing surgery to become impotent

Q: I am an unmarried male close to my thirties. My urges have become very extreme and sometimes out of control. My parents are not agreeing on getting me married. I am now very worried due to the fear that I might fall into the sinful act of zina due to my extreme urges. My question is that is it ok in Islam if I kill my sex drive permanently or become impotent by my own wish in order to avoid adultery?

Give up zina, watching porn and smoking

Q: I am a college student and I offer Salaah daily. I always want to be close to Allah, but I have three bad habits which make me feel very bad and disgraced. These are 1. Smoking. 2. Watching porn (seldom). 3. Doing sex (seldom). These make me feel very bad and I don't know how to get rid of them. I will be very thankful to you if you could please help me.