Celebrations and Customs

Birthday party

Q: I was an orphan and was brought up by my father's brother. My cousins are planning to give a surprise birthday party calling all his close people like friend's, relatives, etc. I normally don't attend birthday parties but now I'm confused. I don't want to attend the party but at the same time I feel bad because they will feel bad since we were all brought up in the same house like his own children. In recent times our relationship has distanced to some extent, I'm in a dilemma that if I don't attend will our relationship further worsen. 

People congratulating one on one's birthday

Q: Before I had an idea about not celebrating birthdays, but on my first birthday in university, I gave a treat thinking that to feed someone is good, but I don't know if it's correct or wrong! Now, my second birthday is about to come and I don't know what to do if they greet me on my birthday, Alhamdulillah this year it's Sunday (I'll be on leave) but what reply must I give to the messages and phone calls from people who greet me (as I don't want to celebrate/give a treat in the name of a birthday), could you please tell me?

Holding a candlelight walk to honour victims

Q: Is the below permissible: 

Danforth-Donlands – Pocket Community: Vigil Friday night at the Mosque – February 3, 2017 Residents in the Danforth-Donlands area will hold a candlelight walk and vigil on Friday night, encircling the mosque – the Madinah Masjid – to honour fellow Canadians in Quebec City who were victims in the horrific mass shooting there. We will also demonstrate our support and solidarity with the mosque and its community, standing together in our mutual call for peace and unity [solidarity?]. Meet at 7:45 pm in front of the mosque at 1015 Danforth Avenue for a prayer and welcoming remarks. Vigil participants will walk west on the south side of Danforth to Jones, south on Jones, east on Chatham to Byron, north on Byron, and back along the south side of Danforth to the mosque for a moment of silence, ending at approximately 9 pm.

Birthday parties

Q: My family invited me for a birthday party. Few years before they cut down relation with me because of my in laws but now they invited me for this party respectfully. Is it permissible for me to attend this party for family relationship, otherwise I am not interested in these types of parties.

Muslims participating in memorial services

Q: In order to appease the kuffar, Muslims are today participating in memorial services, joint prayers with non-Muslims, vigils etc to remember the those (predominantly non-Muslim) that died in unjustified terrorist attacks. I am not a scholar but I even see scholars condoning participation in such events by participating themselves. Am I correct in understanding that participating in such prayers, vigils and services is haraam because we are not permitted to pray for a dead kafir and also imitation of kuffar methodology in expression of grief is not permissible. I also find it discomforting that at these events there is free mixing and acknowledgement by virtue of participation that all religions are equal. Would you please provide proof in light of Qur'an and Hadith whether participation in joint vigils, memorial services and prayers is permissible as family and friends do not just accept a simple answer of no without evidence of why?