Sea Creatures


Q: I would like to know what is the ruling regarding dolphins. I know that it is regarded as the pig of the ocean, however why is this so and ‎would the same rules and prohibitions regarding pigs also apply to dolphins. Would it be acceptable to attend dolphin shows or touch it etc.


Q: Are oysters haraam? What about oyster sauce and Chinese and Thai dishes using oyster sauce? What exactly is oyster?


Q: Are prawns categorized as fish and if not what are they and will this make them halaal, makrooh or haraam?


Q: Regarding the creatures of the ocean, kingklip is a species of cusk eel which lack scales. What is the shariah view on the permissibility of such? Furthermore, if not halaal, what about contamination and eating at an outlet that cooks/serves kingklip?

Sea creatures

Q: In Saudi Arabia, almost all types of sea-foods are available and used. What is the Shar'ee ruling with regards to different sea-foods, especially prawns, shrimps, oysters, squids, snails, crabs, etc. according to the hanafi madhab?