
Protecting oneself from homosexuality

Q: I know in Islam we do not confess sins but I want to ask a question. Im incarcerated, I took my shahada in 2003 and lived Deen for about 6 years. Then I fell back into the evil I was previously on prior to taking my shahada, homosexuality. Lately I've been reading Quran and praying. Im still incarcerated and have been for 23 years. I want to rejoin the community but some know me when I was doing these evil acts and others know me when I was living deen. I do not want to be a fitnah to the brothers but want to do the right thing. Do I retake my shahada, join the community, or just continue to say my prayers in private?


Q: What is the Islamic stance about a (Muslim) man who has sexual attraction towards men & not towards women? He has tried everything - consultation from authentic scholars spiritual healers & psychotherapists, prayers & invocations, & even marriage, but all in vain. What should he do? What should he believe about himself? Is he a sinner? Will he be sent to hell?

Gay feelings

Q: I have gay habits in me and I am seeing a Muslim man. I am in my 30s and not married due to home responsibilities as I am taking care of my mum who has no legs and in a wheelchair. It worries me that I have these feeling in me from an early age. Please advise.


Q: I am 32 year old Muslim man getting married in a couple of months. My problem is that I get sexually attracted towards boys and since childhood to till date I have multiple sexual rekationships with boys. My problem is that I don't get attracted towards females and this issue is there with me when I was almost 7-8 years old. I met Dr's also in this connection but after doing some test they said bilogically your male sex hormones are normal only it is mental preferance. I dont want to destroy anyones life. Requesting you to please help me in this, so that I can control my emotions and live a respectable life and also save from myself from gunnah.

Homosexual thoughts

Q: I have been going through these perverted thoughts all the time (homosexual) and I know it is a grave sin. I don't indulge into any such actions but stare at good looking men with desires and later I am filled with regret and grave depression. What should I do to get rid of it?


Q: Are gay people born gay or they become gay after they are born? If they are born gay then how can Allah punish them and say they are committing sin? Because they are born gay. They naturally get attracted towards men. I saw few debates in which even doctors told studies shows that gay people are born gay. Please provide Answers with proof and evidence. If you say they are not born gay but they become gay afterwards then suggest what measures we can take to make them normal again.

Homosexual feelings

Q: I am a Hanafi Muslim. I experience homosexual feelings. I don't know how to cope up. I do pray to Allah Ta'ala. I offer Salah too. But please guide me. I can't afford to annoy Allah Ta'ala more.

Marrying a person who has changed his gender

Q: I have been a resident in a foreign country for about 10 years. 2 years ago I met a woman who is completely feminine in nature. As time passed our relationship grew stronger. I wanted her to marry me and convert to Islam. She showed interest in doing so but the real problem is that she was born male by gender, and at the age of 21 she had her gender change operation and removed all the male sexual organs with female body parts. Now she is a women in all ways. There is no going back for her. She is supposed to be a women for the rest of her life. My question is, is there a possibility that a Muslim can still marry her given her circumstances , otherwise we know that to have gay/sexual relations with a man is a despicable sin. Please suggest me what to do.