Deception and Lies

Cheating, deceiving and bribery

Q: In India Muslims are being deprived in all aspects. So there are fatwas that cheating is allowed . In the state Assam the Muslims have taken the reorganisation of many schools by cheating the Government. Actually there are no students in these schools but in records they show 50, 60 students and the officers are forwarding it by taking bribes and many Moulana have joined in this act giving fatwa that we are being deprived and for owning our right we have no other way beside this. Is it permissible?

Speaking lies

Q: Married couples go and live abroad. The husband legally divorces his wives and makes her live like a single wife, divorcee or as a widow in order to get monetary assistance from the government. Is this permissible?


Q: If a woman marrys a man simply for the dowry then steals from the man forcing a divorce how does Allah judge this case?

Faking a degree and getting someone else to submit one's papers


  1. I have done 3 years Diploma in Electrical and have experience overseas. Now I moved to a developed country and started working as an electrician. If you have extensive experience you can work as an engineer. But you still need qualification to go to high in rank and good pay. So is it possible to make a fake bachelor degree and on that fake degree if I get admission in university in Master Program is that allowed in Islam?
  2. Now I am doing masters from university and going on Hajj this year Insha Allah. Now that hajj is coming in the middle of my semester is it allowed that my friend do the remaining assignments on my behalf and submit it? According to university rules nobody can submit on someone elses behalf.

Please guide me.

Speaking lies

Q: If someone lied to someone, but that lie neither caused the person harm nor benefits the one who lied. The one who spoke a lie is already ashamed for his this act in front of Allah so still is there any need that he should rectify by revealing to that person too?

Deceiving in order to receive more money from a government fund

Q: I live in Holland. A friend of us is cheating the social security with his mariagal status. The point is that a married couple will get about 1200 euros from the social security, but this friend did divorce on paper so that his wife could get a seperate social security of about 1000 and he himself about 900 euros. We have advised him several times that he should stop with this and change the situation how it should be i.e. registered as married and thus in case of need only 1 social security income. The person has also 2 children from his brother in Ghana on his name and thus was also getting money for them from the law. My question is, is it aloud to report him due the cheatings he is doing, so that they will stop him. He will have to pay back the money he received unjustly.