Punishments in an Islamic Country

Diyat in the case of homicide

Q: You had previously issued a ruling stating that 'diyat' is not applicable in the case of homicide in a non-Muslim country based on the reasoning that the decision of a qādhi is necessary for it to be implemented. I have come across the following text in 'Badaai'-us-Sanaai' under the chapter: 

فصل في الأحكام التي تختلف باختلاف الدارين, ويضمن الدية خطأ كان أو عمدا وتكون في ماله لا علي العاقلة ... 

This ibaarat suggest that diyat is compulsory even in darul-kufr. I would appreciate Hazrat Mufti sahib's guidance in this matter.

Nurse paying blood money for a patient that passed away

Q: I am working as a nurse in a clinic. One day a certain patient came and had been diagnosed with Malaria. The same day he was injected with diclofenac injection intramuscular for reducing fever and other antimalaria intravenous injection also.

The problem is that the place where we injected that diclofenac, that area swelled and the patient showed me after 3 days. On the 4th day he came back with a bad condition. When we tried to investigate other problems, we found he had hypoglycemia (low sugar) and anemia (low blood) but we decided to transfer him to the biggest hospital. Finally he died there.

My question is: what I should do? I am confused since I don't know whether he died because of that abscess or those other conditions he had. My aim is to pay blood money or fast as it is mentioned in the Holly Qur'an if you kill by mistake.

Punishment for committing zina in a non-Muslim country

Q: If a single man commits zina, does he have to be whipped 100 times?

Is it ok not to be whipped in one go? Maybe 10 whips today and 10 the next day until its 100? Does the whippng guarantee deletion of that sin?

Besides repenting is there other ways to delete the sin completly? Is there certain deeds you can do to remove it with the guarantee that you don't have to worry about it?

Diyat in a non-Muslim country

Q: Mufti sahib, you had previously issued a ruling stating that 'diyat' is not applicable in the case of homicide in a non-muslim country based on the reasoning that the decision of a qādhi is necessary for it to be implemented. I have come across the following text in 'badaai'-us-sanaai' under the chapter فصل في الأحكام التي تختلف باختلاف الدارين, ويضمن الدية خطأ كان أو عمدا وتكون في ماله لا علي العاقلة ... This ibaarat suggest that diyat is compulsory even in darul-kufr. I would appreciate Hazrat Mufti sahib's guidance in this matter.