Gheebat and Mocking

Insulting Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: If someone insults the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then should there be any punishment for him, looking at the fact that he did not kill any innocent human being, and as Allah Ta'ala says that we should forgive anyone who says bad words to us, and we should reply with Salaam? I need references from Quran and the Saheeh Hadith, only then I will believe.


Q: If a person has committed backbiting against someone, and wants to make taubah from backbiting, and the person he was backbiting about does not know about it, does one have to go and tell the person I said this and that about you, make maaf, or can one beg forgiveness from Allah and do some good action and send the sawaab to the person?


Q: I have a question that I have a distant uncle who is sick and old and that when I  inquired about his health from my brother over the phone he said that he's not well and doesn't recognise people, today when I met with another relative he was asking me about this uncle and I said that he's not well and that he doesn't recognise people. My question is that is it a gheebat (backbite)?  Please advice me.