
Moving a cat from the blanket

Q: I sleep on the floor in a friends house and during the night the cat always comes around me and when I go asleep it creeps up and also sleeps on top of my blanket. When I was changing sides I realised weight on my feet which was the cat so I tried to move it, but it wouldn't move so my friend moved it. I felt so bad because it was comfortable on my blanket. Will I be question by the Lord Almighty because I try my best to show love to the creations of Allah Ta'ala?

Actions of the night

Q: Please advise regarding the actions of the night:

1. Is it necessary to close all doors and windows of the house from maghrib till after sunrise?

2. If so, must it be done in even hot weather or with a window in the toilet room as well?

3. Must a utensil, like a plastic jug, kept in a toilet-bathroom that is used expressly for the purpose of holding water for istinja also be covered at night?

4. If so, can the water in such a utensil that was not covered at night be used for istinja?

5. Should even adults avoid leaving the home or standing around outside unnecessarily from maghrib till after sunrise?

6. Must one avoid cutting trees and plants, gardening, picking flowers etc. from maghrib till after sunrise?

7. Would (Question 6) apply to indoor plants as well? 8. Also, is it alright to have plants growing indoors? Like a vase of flowers, a tree, or a pot plant?