
Chipping a car

Q: Is "chipping" a car (i.e paying a company to change the software on a car, to make the car faster) permissible? Or would this fall under wastage of money?


Q: The ringtones available on my mobile phone contain music, so I am searching for an alternative which is not classed as music. I found this ringtone which simulates the sound of a classical telephone:

Can you please listen to the ringtone on the link I provided and inform me if it is permissable? Does it matter that it is not a recording of a real telephone, but rather a computer simulation?

Doing experiments on food items

Q: Is it permissible to carry out experiments which involve food or food ingredients being used up, wasted, for educational purposes? Such experiments are sometimes done in schools. For example, leaving a tooth in a glass of fizzy drink (which will make the fizzy drink go to waste) or mixing sugar and sulphuric acid to produce a reaction (which makes the sugar go to waste).

Clapping hands

Q: Nowadays Muslims and non Muslims clap their hands. It has become a norm in society, if we are listening to a speech of a non Muslim or a Muslim in a public hall where non Muslims are also present and they all clap hands after a good speech. Will it be permissible to join them clapping hands, because if we don't clap the hands they assume that we didn't like the speech and then looked down upon?

Helping our brothers and sisters who are suffering around the globe

Q: I am confused about what is going on in Egypt and Syria, and in pretty much all of the middle east, especially now that their is some sort of "democratic" intervention trying to play into the politics of these Muslim dominate societies. What is your personal opinion, and what should a Muslim do to help our brothers an sisters around the world? How can we better our brothers and sisters in their struggles? We pray for them. But if you could help give me an idea, and some sort of direction on what I should know about the Egyptian and Syrian situation, and how I can help my brothers and sisters in general. Insha Allah I will do so.