Aiding in Sin

Passing a video camera or a sandwich to a non-Muslim


1. Non-Muslim boss asks Muslim employee in an accounting firm to bring him a sandwich that contains haram meat. Would this be permissible for the Muslim
employee to carry out as a favour? Or will this be counted as aiding in sin?

2. Non-Muslim boss asks Muslim employee to bring him a video camera. It is known that he will be using to make videos of people, moreover he would use
that to video chat with non-mahram women. Would this be permissible for the Muslim employee to carry out?

There is confusion because these acts are forbidden for Muslims, however the non-Muslim boss does not follow laws of Shariah. Also the employee will not be receiving any extra compensation for carrying out these acts, just the normal salary he is paid monthly. Please also give the general ruling for aiding non-Muslims in doing something that is not permissible for a Muslim.

Supporting gay marriages

Q: A Muslim answered the questions put to him by a non-Muslim as follows:

1. Do you stand for gay people's rights?

"Of course."

2. Do you stand for gay marriage?

"If the 2 individuals who are of the same sex want to be married and they go for a civil partnership or marriage or whatever it is, if it is provided
within the constitution and within the legal systems of our country, then they are entitled to."

Would this render the person answering a murtad?

Assisting a non-muslim to clear up haraam items

Q: I have been practicing Islam for maybe nearly two years and I keep getting into situations that a difficult and hard for me, because I do not know what is the best thing to do at certain times.

  1. One thing I am not sure about is if it is cooperating in sin and transgression / disrespectful to Allah / sinful if a Muslim helped a non-Muslim family member tidy up (the non-Muslims) empty beer bottles and also helped the non-Muslim family member by tidying up haram food packaging?
  2. What is best for the Muslim to do if the Muslim wants to help the non-Muslim clean plates/tables that had haram food left over’s on them?

The non-Muslim family member has physical health problems and sometimes struggles with cleaning and the Muslim wants to also help the non-Muslim family member realize Islam is the truth.

Will the following be considered as aiding in sin?

Q: Is it haraam for me to make and sell furniture to people if I know it is more than likely that they will (at some point) be more than likely to use the furniture when doing haram things i.e. they would be more than likely to at some point store haram cloths in a closet or have unmarried adult relations on a bed I made, or use a table I made to eat pork or put alcoholic drinks on, or watch haram TV programs on the sofa I made and sold to them? Is making and selling these things cooperating in sin and transgression?

Is wasting time a sin and if so, is selling footballs or remote control cars to people cooperating, influencing sin, if I know they (adults) are going to
excessively waste time playing with them?

Assisting in evil

Q: Please tell if it is permissible to buy things like razor for your father or another elder, who uses it for shaving their beard? Also, like they ask you to go and buy remote control for TV or like batteries for the remote control etc. Should we act upon their (such) commands?

Cooperating in sin

Q: I am a Muslim that reverted back to Islam and have some questions that may aid me in being able to get on with my life. I can no longer pay rent on my housing association rented flat. A housing association staff member told me that they are going to deliver a letter asking for a payment and that after they have given me the letter I will then have 14 days to pay them some money and the member of staff told me if I do not pay them anything by the end of the 14 days they will then want to evict me from the flat.

I ask if you will answer the questions I have typed below. If you answer any of them, please can you give answers that include proofs from the Qur'an and also explain the reasoning behind any answers given, - I want to be sure that I live a halal life and that I do not have any doubts or annoyance of Shaitans whispers telling me that I am or might be committing a sin (when I am not even committing a sin) or telling me I have been given mistakenly false information about what is/isn’t a sin (when the information I have been given is good information)


  1. What is your definition of cooperating in someone’s sin and transgression?
  2. What is your definition of riba?
  3. If every £pound that was made, was made and given in an agreement that agreed that the cost of making the pound and also an amount of (harem) interest would be charged for the pound, would that in your opinion mean that all £pounds would be haram to use?
  4. If these £pounds were haram, would it also mean in your opinion that using these types of pounds, would be cooperating in the sin and transgression of the £pound monetary system?
  5. If the £pound monetary system was made/designed to cripple/entrap the public/world into being slaves/weakened/controlled -in your opinion would that mean that using the £pound monetary system that would be aimed at making the public suffer be cooperating in the £pound monetary system makers/enforcers sin and transgression?
  6. In your opinion Would it be haram to trade in casino chips, if you was not gambling? (i.e. someone gives a shop keeper £10s worth of casino chips to pay for his shopping and the shop keeper then gives a different (agreeable) customer £10 in casino chips as change)
  7. What is your definition of usury?
  8. In your opinion is it only halal for us to charge for are physical/mental labour? (i.e. the labour of building a wall, the labour of giving a speech, the labour of thinking of a design/idea)
  9. Also I was wondering about eating and drinking. Does Allah dislike us to eat and drink in excess? if someone could survive from eating maybe 2-3 handfuls of food and a small bottle of water each day, would eating and drinking more than that be an excess  -would we be able to rely on Allah for energy?

I remember hearing someone talk about someone that was pious and the person that was telling me about this pious boy said something like: when he drank water you could see the water travelling down his throat, he consumed little to please Allah...

Should we try to follow the NHS recommended daily intake guidelines who suggest about 2500 calories for males per day, 2.5 litres of fluid a day (from drinks and from food) and recommended five portions of fruit and veg a day an amount of Vitamins and minerals from food etc. or would what the NHS say be an atheist environment type of view and be an excess amount of food/fluid?

I remember in an Islamic educational event about the sole, the Sheikh said their was a man who said he can live without food/water and that tests were done to see if he was truthful and he appeared to go without food and water for the amount of time they isolated him.