
Looking at na mahrams with lust

Q: I am a 20 year old male living in the UK. I want to go to university in this country however, there are very expensive tuition fees therefore most people have to take out a haram interest loan. However, there are a few courses that are full NHS funded so I can avoid the haram loan. One is called Dietetics BSc. I really want to do this course. However, the course is 87% female. The majority of these are young 'attractive young ladies'. There are 13% male on this course and I'd do my best to avoid the females and stick with my male friends. However, a male being on a 87% female course, it will be hard to avoid them, and I fear looking at them with desire-which is haram in the hanafi madhab. Is there any position in any of the four sunni madhabs that will allow me to look at these students potentially with desire? I understand the whole point of these Islamic gender laws is to avoid
adultery. Even If I look at them even with desire, insha'Allah, nothing will come of it and I won't commit adultery, I will avoid them these girls as much as I can and lower my gaze, but sometimes it is difficult to talk to these people without looking at them and I cannot guarantee that my looks will be free from desire. 

I want to study this to earn a halal income, improve the health of my community and avoid the haram student loan, but I may have to look at these
people but I am not interested in taking it any further with these girls. They're students, like me, and potentially a fitna for me. I will treat them
that way. But I cannot guarantee my looks will be free from desire. 

Non-Muslim woman being involved with a Muslim man

Q: I am a married non-muslim and wanted to ask that is it wrong if I care for someone who is a muslim with whom I was very close at some point of time in life. However, I perform all my family duties perfectly but I am still worried about his well being. I respect Bhagwan, Allah, God in all different forms but I feel Karm (work) is very important because everyone has been sent by God for a reason. Please guide me how do I make that muslim guy understand that work and prayer both is important?

Women freely interacting with strange men in public


  1. Husband picks up wife at work. As she gets in they both kiss one another. Is this acceptable?
  2. In a working environment, in a meeting comprising of various sects what is the common etiquette that a Muslim women should display, defend her point of view loudly, be argumentative, etc.
  3. What does Islam say about women approaching men, say in the lifts, coffee breaks.  No intention of any kind, just trying to be friendly and courteous. Seeing a fellow worker, and saying "Paul”, how are you, how’s the work etc. Sometimes he may just walk past, but you greet him, hey Pat, what’s this. You as a female make the first approach.
  4. The trend of holding hands in public especially married couples.