Exposing one's Satr

Maid breastfeeding the child

Q: I want to ask about (awrah of non-muslim women) in front of muslim men. My wife can not produce milk for breast feeding our child. In our house a non muslim maid working she is healthy and active as well. We also checked her medical reports all were clear so Maid is feeding our child. Yesterday my wife was not present in home during that time I did not allow maid to feed my child alone because I don't trust her. First time yesterday she was feeding in front of me and she did not cover her breast properly. I asked few of my friends about this matter "awrah" they told me that there is no awrah for Non muslim women. It is allow to see non muslim womens naked body.

My question is that:

  1. What is the minimum awrah for non muslim women in front of muslim men?
  2. It is permissible for me that I order my non-muslim maid to feed my child in front of me?
  3. My friends told me that if you see non-muslim woman naked there is no sin. it is right?

Dressing immodestly in front of one's in-laws

Q: I am a married female living with my in-laws i.e. father in-law, mother in-law and my husband’s sister. My husband says I can only cover between my navel and knees in front of them because they are unmarriageable to me and there is no sign of lust or fitna. He says I can roam in home like this If my husband has no problem with my being topless in home and only cover between navel and knees and abdomen and back of abdomen. I also belive that there is no possibility of fitna because two are muslim women in the house and my father in law is my father in law. My husband also say’s that they can also touch those parts if needed as they are unlawful to marry and if there is no lust. Please tell me as soon as possible that is it sinful or not to only cover those parts between navel and knee and going topless with bare breasts. I know being modest is good but what in this case when my husband has no problem and says I can? And I am asking only in front of muslim women and mehrem men. Please don’t tell about non-mehrem men I know that.

Woman exposing her breast in front of her mahrams

Q: I am 26 years old and have 5 elder sisters and a mother and no brothers. According to Islam can a women expose her breast in front of a mahram man and husband? During house-chores my mother and sisters expose their half breast and sometime full breast, this causes my private part to become erect and I have a discharge. I have no sexual desire with my mahrams but the beauty of the breast always make me have a discharge. My friend told me that this is not haraam or sin. You can easily discharge without any fear. Is this haraam or sin?

Dressing in a respectable manner in front of one's mahrams

Q: I want to ask few questions regarding women's dressing in front of mahrams:

  1. My friend told me that his mother wears a loose sleeveless nighty from chest to knee in front of her husband and children. In this nighty her breast is visible when she sits down or is working. He can see her breast but from stomach to knee her body is hidden.
  2. He told me that sometime she didn't wear bra because of which her nipples are visible on her shirt.
  3. Another thing he told me is that after taking a bath she wraps her body with a towel and comes out from the washroom and starts combing. Most of the time her towel becomes loose and her whole breast is visible.

I asked my friend why she does like this. He replied that it is allowed in Islam. Mahram males can see a woman's breast, neck , hair, thigh. But he also said that women can not show her body from stomach to knee and back. It is not allowed in Islam.

Is this true?

Wearing Hijaab only

Q: I am 52 years old. I wear a hijab but not a nikab. An Alima advised me that this is fine as long as my neck & chest is covered. Please advise if this is true or am committing a sin by not wearing a nikab?