
Being happy with the decree of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Please forgive me for asking this question. Time and again this question comes to my mind so I want to find solace in your answer.

Islam is a religion of peace the only way of life to obtain the satisfaction of Allah. Allah sent so many prophets for the same until our last prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). If Islam came to our lives to bring peace, why is that so many Sahaabahs who were devoted followers of Islam, died in a brutal way? Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) was killed by a Jew, Usman (radhiyallahu anhu) was killed by so called Muslims, Ali (radhiyallahu anhu), Hasan(radhiyallahu anhu), Hussain(radhiyallahu anhu) all so devoted Sahaabahs died brutally? And if surrendering oneself brings peace than in what form and how it comes? Islam is perfect so it should make our lives peaceful, but I see the anxiety of heaven and hell, the problems of the world remains and the death of so pious Muslims die in struggle?

What is the definition of the peace? Is it spiritual peace inside and not of the physical bodily peace? I keep asking these questions to myself. We are in the right path still why we struggle more than the others who worship animals and idols? What is it that brings peace and what is the exact peace Allah is promising us? 

Taking precautionary health measures in moderation

Q: Is it a misunderstanding of Islam to refuse to go beyond using pure supplications to Allah in order to overcome a huge problem at hand? Some local imams are prescribing things like taking special baths and drinking certain concoctions in addition to supplications and azkar. These are good and devoted imams. They say that it's okay so long as one is not committing shirk or using something forbidden. But I am not so sure. Moreover, I am someone who naturally believes in and prefers pure supplications, especially Quraanic and Prophetic supplications.

Please I NEED you to confirm the truth on this matter.

Trust in Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am an engineer and jobless for 2 years since my graduation. I have given so many interviews and tests for job but had no luck. Now mostly I am in deep depression and I also don't have my mother as she is no more to whom I could share my feelings. I blame Allah for my destroyed life and I pray to Allah to give me death. I heard a Hadith about Allah loves the human beings 70 times a mother, which I truly & strongly believe is LIE or atleast in my case..!! Thats it, I don't want your opinion to trust in Allah, believe in Allah, something good will happen etc etc. Have a nice day.

Doubting the help of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Sometimes we are told to have patience and expect the help of Allah Ta'ala in times of difficulty. Examples are given of Ebrahim (alaihis salaam) as he was flung over the fire, or the help of Allah Ta'ala to Nuh (alaihis salaam) through the ark, etc. But there are also many cases where prophets themselves were killed, or good believers were killed, and so they were not saved by Allah Ta'ala.

How should we reconcile this, that we may sometimes encourage a person that Allah Ta'ala's help will come as long as you have yaqeen, yet there are many cases where prophets or believers with perfect yaqeen still were made shaheed.