
Wearing a taweez

Q: I visited one aamil for my personal problem. He gave one small paper contain Arabic numbers in it and asked me to keep it under a heavy stone. Also he gave asmaaul husna to recite for 21 days. Is it taweez? Is it permissible in Islam?

Protection from jinn

Q: My question is that one of my friends gave me two copies of letters of Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to the jinnaat for protection purposes because once a tragedy happened to me. One copy is translated and the other is not. One's Arabic words are different from the other. Similarly there are some Arabic duas which we learnt but the same are quite different or some extent different from what we read elsewhere. Is it permissible to recite these duas?

Wearing taweez


1. Is taweez (wearing along neck or arm giving by anybody and writing something on it) permissible? If someone believes in it that it can help him and he dies, does it lead to shirk?

2. Can we pray behind a Imam who wears these types of taweez and believes in it?