Secular Education

Big bang theory

Q: Keeping in mind that Allah Ta'ala is the power behind everything, can Muslims believe in the following:

1) Global warming, and that people should be environment-friendly.

2) Life in Mars might be possible.

3) People have gone to the moon.

4) The big bang theory.

Schools drill these into students' minds.

Making up a poem

Q: I have an English project at school in which I need a very specific kind of urdu poem. However, I did not find any suitable urdu poem, so I thought of making up a poem based on a false story, or a real story but with false details, just to achieve the requirements of my assignment. My intention is not to report the story in the poem, but to illustrate the details like setting and characters, genre and the language in it. Is this permissible in Islam, or will this be considered a lie?

Nude arts class

Q: I was just enrolled in an "arts appreciation" class in college without knowing that they show nude art in it as well. I heard medical students are permitted to look at nudity for educational purposes. I was wondering if the same applies for my business degree. My degree plan does not require me to take this class in particular (it still requires some kind of art such as music, dance, or drama), but it would be a problem for me if I have to drop this class since it's already paid for. I'm pretty sure I don't have to draw any animate beings in this class, it's mostly analysis of art.

Study medicine and engineering

Q: What are the rewards of doing a fardh kifaya act? For example if there is no Muslim physician, engineer, physiotherapist, etc. in a Muslim community (in a region where majority are Muslims compared to kafirs) only kafirs and a single Muslim decides to pursue one of those professions, what is his reward?

Studying through correspondence

Q: I have recently finished hifz in a boarding Madrasah and now I am doing full time aalim class local. I am finding it very different to maintain my hifz I tried to go back boarding madrasah but my heart weren't there. So I came back to my alim class locally but now I feel like going college im 19 I was thinking about how I will make a living in the future can you give me some advice.

Acquiring knowledge of worldly sciences


1. Is acquiring knowledge of the worldly sciences دنيوي علوم for example faradhul kifayah according to the Hanafi Madhab?

2. If so then a فرض is thabit by a dalil in which there is no شبهة i.e فطعي دليل . What is the qati dalil for this?

3. A منكر of a a fardh is classed as kafir. Will a person who rejects it be classed as kafir?

4. Will it be necessary to have belief of it being fardh? ( fardh's ruling is الزوم علما و تصديقا بالقلب)