Secular Education

Studying computer science

Q: Sometimes I just feel this boredness of doing something, I use to be a smart computer science guy but now all this is just fading away. I don't know why but what I knew for sure is I loved it more than anything. I just can't live without computer. But since I became more serious about Islam and fulfilling my duties to it and become more strict, and I'm not complaining though; Alhamdulillah for the mercy Allah has given me, "Allah knows what is best for us and we do not". But my question is should I force myself to try hard to learn it back or revise, because the problem is I always feel weak and down trodden and my head sometimes aches a lot when I start learning, and especially when I'm near my book. I really don't know what to do please.

So called Islamic schools

Q: Kindly favour me with your reply to the following queries: 

  1. Is it competent and permissible in terms of the Shariah fiqh regime for a disbeliever (kaafir) to be appointed to the position of principal or head of an Islamic institution? Having regard to various verses of the Quran, including but not limited to those in Surah Maaidah,I was always of the view that the Shariah proscribed such an appointment.
  2. Is it permissible in terms of Shariah for an Islamic institution to observe a period of silence at an assembly of its students as a mark of respect for a disbeliever who recently died?
  3. Is it permissible in Shariah to for an Islamic school to honour a disbeliever on the occasion of his birthday by singing of 'happy birthday' wishes and greetings at an assembly of the school population?