Dental Treatment

Dental implants made from dried freezed bone

Q: Could you kindly advise regarding the dental use of dried freezed bone.

The bone is derived from a bone bank based in Cape Town. According to the bone bank, bone is derived from people who donate their bodies to science. The bone is then vigorously sterilized under UV light and crushed to form granules. When a surgeon is placing dental implants, any bone defects around the implants are filled with the granules and the patients blood. The granules act as a scaffold for the patient’s own bone to regrow.

Once the patient's own bone has grown the granules get replaced with the patients bone. There is a synthetic bone but the results are not predictable. Animal bone results are worst. Dental implants serve both function and aesthetics. 

Getting a fixed retainer on one's teeth

Q: Do you think I can get a fixed (permanent) retainer as opposed to a plastic retainer for my teeth which I can get off and on, just for the simple reason that I feel like a plastic retainer which you take on and off and have to possibly wear forever, will be a nuisance? There have been cases where not wearing your retainer will result in your teeth shifting, which would be a huge waste of money that was spent on braces. I feel like a fixed retainer will be easier for me.