
Intimacy between spouses


1. Is is necessary to change the bedsheet every time after having sex? As some fluids may come on it.

2. Is is possible for wife to masturbate his husband's penis?

3. What is the best treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction? Any ayurvedic drinks or any thing according to Islam?

4. Is it permissible for both of us to take shower together ?

Gifting the house to the wife

Q: A man passed away leaving behind a wife and six children. In his lifetime, he contributed monthly towards a retirement fund, and whilst alive, he had written and signed that he had made his wife 100 % benefactor of this fund. In addition, he had a house in which his wife and children live. In his lifetime, he mentioned to his wife that 'this house is for you'. Does this fund and house form part of the inheritance to be distributed?

Looking at the body of one's spouse after their demise

Q: My grandmother passed away a few days ago and after she passed, someone said that my grandfather is now a non-mahram for my grandmother and that he cannot look or touch her dead body. Is this correct? Because I have never heard this before that a wife and husband become non-mahrams after one of them dies. Also, can a husband give ghusal to his wife after she dies? Can a wife give ghusal to her husband after he dies?

Expressing one's love for one's husband

Q: Is there any limit in loving one's husband? Me and my husband are trying our best to abide by the rules of Shar'iah, we remind each other about ahkaamat of Allah taala. So alhmdulillah our relationship is filled with love. So we want to express our love for each other. So can I say to my husband I love you more than anything / you are my everything/ you are my world/my heart is perfect because you are inside /my day and night is filled with your thoughts and so on? Will it be like I am telling I love him more than Allah and his messenger? But in my heart it is not like that, even though I love my husband intensely, Alhmdulillah I love Allah and his Rasul (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and I don't agree with anyone where ahkamat of shariah will be broken if I do so, be it my beloved husband.

Choosing a life partner

Q: A marriage proposal came for a girl ,the boy and his family are good people the boy is into tabligh also, however the girl has done istikharah once but after doing istikharah her heart became neutral, means she is not inclined to the present proposal instead she left this matter to Allah thinking if Allah wishes let him make easy the path of nikah with this boy or if Allah does not wish let him take this matter away from us. Now if Allah brings this proposal near to us and both parties are almost happy with it, will it be khair for us?