Beardless man giving the azaan and iqaamah
Q: What is the ruling regarding a beardless man giving the azaan and iqaamah?
Q: What is the ruling regarding a beardless man giving the azaan and iqaamah?
Q: Should a Muslim girl call out the azaan in low voice?
Q: How should we Hanafis call out the adhan during the lockdown in the masjid?
If in a masjid only 3 people from the community are permitted to go then how should the adhan be called out?
NB: The community is also interested in the adhan.
Q: Nowadays, masaajid being closed, azaan is a bit modified. In place of Hayya alas Salaah, Hayya ala Falaah, it is said, Salloo fi buyutikim and salloo fi rihalikum. Is it permissible to change azaan and was it done in the era of Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum)? How should we reply to these words?
Q: I would like to find out if we can give Azaan with shoes on.
Q: If during the azaan, one forgets to call out a certain phrase, then what should one do?
Q: I was giving Fajar azaan and forgot to say (assalaatu khairum menan nowm). Is the azaan valid?
Q: Is it compulsory to call out the azaan for every salaah in a Jamaat khana where salaah is read 5 times a day?
Q: Is it imperative to recite azaan followed by iqaamat when performing qadhaa salaats? Does this also apply when performing several qadhaa salaats one after the other at the same time?
If for many years one did not recite azaan and iqaamat when performing qadhaa salaats, are one’s salaats valid?
Q: I live in USA and the Masjids are too far from our houses. We don't hear the sound of Azaan at home. We have an Azaan clock at home but at my workplace I don't have an Azaan clock.
My question is that if we dont hear the Azaan and its the time of prayer, do we need to say Azaan before prayer?