Salaah on a Conveyance

Performing Salaah on the plane

Q: With regard to travelling on the plane and the time of Salaah setting in particularly Maghrib. Often there is a clash between time of Salaah and the passengers busy seating themselves making it difficult to go to a space and perform Salaah. Otherwise the direction of qibla may be difficult to face.

Lastly is it permissible in such circumstances for a person who is completely fit to sit and perform Salaah in his/her seat?

Performing Salaah in a car

Q: My wife and I do a lot of travelling by car. A lot of times the distances we drive are over 90km. Due to this, sometimes we have to pray on the side of the road or in a parking lot. If my wife prays outside the car like me, there are many people (men and women) who walk and drive by and could see her. In this case, is it permissible for my wife to pray sitting down in the car?

Salaah on an aeroplane

Q: How does a person carry out their salaah on a plane? Does it have to be re-read once a person lands? Is it true that a persons wudhu will not break if they sleep while sitting if their feet is on the ground? ( eg in flight)