Amaanat (Trusts)

Claiming money from one's father

Q: My dad gives money to pay the internet bill every month but the internet service bill has been paid automatically. I received a message yesterday and there's no one who knows how to pay the bill besides myself. So please advise me, is it permissible for me to take the internet bill money from my dad because I need the money to buy me a mobile phone?

Unable to trace who a payment was received from

Q: I work in the accounts dept of a company. We receive payments into our bank account from customers. Sometimes we receive payments but we cant trace who the money came from. After a few months if no one has come forward to claim the money we give it away in charity. My question is, can I give the money to a fellow employee of the same company who has some loans that they are unable to settle?

Is the answer the same if the employee is owing the loan to the company itself?

Amaanat getting stolen

Q: I had deposited jewellery in my friends house and he says it is stolen and he also says he doesn't remember me giving the jewellery but he is ready to pay the amount for that. Should I accept the money from him since he is not sure who has stolen it and vaguely remembers that I have given him the jewellery. Is it permitted for me to take money from him and if yes how much to take?

Trying to locate the person one owes money

Q: I took my son to a general practitioner about 5 years ago. At the time, I forgot my medical aid card, but the doctor was kind enough to consult my son as I assured him to provide my details the next day. The next day, I contacted the receptionist and provided her my medical aid details. A year after that, I noticed that the fee did not go through my medical aid and contacted the receptionist to inform them. It is now a few years later, and the doctor has moved, and I am unable to get hold of him. He is not listed on any websites as well. How do I discharge this fee?

Selling unclaimed goods which were left for repairs

Q: What should I do if someone has left their computer with me for repairs, and after telling them that it can’t be repaired or it needs a certain part, they just leave it with me and don’t come back? After contacting such people, they don’t come to collect their computers and eventually there is no contact with them. What should I do with such computers?

Taking money that was kept by someone as amaanat unjustly

Q: I would appreciate your guidance on the following two queries/issues.

Query/Issue #1: I will refer to two individuals as “Person A” and “Person B”. Person A had 2 packets containing money. These packets were given to Person B by mistake. The same day, Person A had informed Person B of the mistake and requested that these parcels be returned. Person A had a full account and record of the money, who it belonged to, date and amounts. Unfortunately Person B has now taken “ownership” of this money parcels unjustly and does not want to acknowledge nor accept Person A version and has discarded all these records that was with the parcels. Person A has taken an oath that the money parcels belongs to Person A. What is the Sharia ruling (Islamic ruling) on who has the right to these money parcels.

Query/Issue #2: If some money was left in trust with an individual, and such money was taken unjustly and without neglect by the responsible individual, is this individual liable for returning and/or executing on the instruction of such money?

Amaanat funds

Q: Amanat funds held in ones possession may not be mixed with one's personal funds. Is it permissible to mix amanat funds with other amanat funds that are held eg. using one account for all amanat funds held?

What should be done with a calculator taken from the university laboratory?

Q: Many years ago, I took a calculator from one of the labs in my university. The calculator was kept in the cupboard presumably because someone lost it or forgot it. Now several years have passed, and I have no idea who the owner of the calculator is/was. What can I do in this situation? Shall I give money on behalf of the owner in charity?