Doubts in Salaah

Doubts in salaah

Q: I lead the jamaat for asr salaah. In the second rakaat after surah fatiha, I'm not sure if I read another surah. I finished the salaah with this doubt in my mind. The maslah says that you must choose what your heart is more inclined to while you in salaah but when I read this salaah, I didn't know about this maslah. Should I make qadha of the salaah?

Forgetting in Salaah

Q: I am having difficulty in praying salah. I have some memory problem, sometimes I don't remember how many sajdah or rakats I do, I don't remember what I recite during salah, it takes me upto 3 times more time to pray a salah than a normal person and I am also very slow the way I do things, I have poor time management skill, each salah I have to do wudu and change my clothes because after urinating I get drop of urine comes out. So you can see I have to make alot effort and do many things to pray salah, would I be punish if I don't pray?

Doubts with regards to the number of rakaats performed

Q: In our local shopping centre there is a small prayer room. Three of us entered to pray zuhr salah and decided to pray in jammat. I was chosen to lead the prayer. We finished salah and went our separate ways. My question is this, after salah and returning home I kept feeling I prayed only 3 rakaats. I just couldn't get this feeling out of my mind. When we finished the other two never mentioned I only completed 3 rakat, so to tell you the truth I do not know whether I completed 3 or 4 rakaats. What must I do or should have done?

Doubts with regards to qiraat

Q: I suffer from OCD and during namaz I forget if I have read somthing, so I will start the namaaz over again or I will repeat what I think I forgot. Also sometimes I think I said somthing wrong and I will repeat that part until I think I said it right. It is so stressful for me to read namaz and doing this takes so much time. A simple asr namaaz that takes anyone else 5 maybe 10 minutes takes me around 20-30 minutes to read. This takes up so much time during the day I can never finish anything else. I need to know if I think I have forgotten somthing or said somthing incorrect what should I do because it is obviously not normal to take so long to pray even the simplest of namaz. I just can never tell what really happend and what is my doubts.

Doubts with regards to mistakes in Salaah

Q: I have constant waswas.

1. When I am reciting suras in salah or reciting tashahud sometimes the letters do not come out loud enough so I can hear. Is my Salaah still valid?

2. If I make a mistake in reciting in Salah how far do I go back to correct myself. Do I restart from one whole verse or just from where I made the mistake.

3. In tashahud I didn't say "warahmatullah hi barakatu" properly, so I went back to that bit and recited it again. Is the salaah valid?

Doubting if one had wudhu when one lead the Salaah

Q: A person was in 30% doubt about whether he had wudhu, but gave himself the benefit of the doubt and attended the masjid. He was called to lead the salah as the imam was not present. After salaah this doubt becomes 70% sure that his wudhu had broken previously.

1) What is the condition of his salaah, and all the Muqtadis?

2) if he was 100% sure now that his wudhu had broken, what now would be the ruling?