Qadha for Qurbaani

Calculating the price of qurbaani animals when making qadha

Q: A person has many years of missed qurbani that he needs to make up for by paying market values.

1. Must he use the market value of a local animal (which would be expensive) or can he use the market value of a cheap country (such as the value of 1/7 cow in India)

2. Should he use the market value for the current year, or should he use the market values for the past years when he missed the qurbanis?

Qadha for missed qurbaani


  1. A person who lives in the UK on whom Qurbani was Wajib but didn't do Qurbani for some 4 years, will it be permissible for him to send money for Qurbani to India for 4 shares in big animal?
  2. In the above situation will it be permissible to send Sadaqah money to India the value of 4 parts in big animal in India?

Qadha of missed Qurbaani

Q: A person did not make a waajib Qurbani one year thinking that he did not own the amount of nisaab. He instead made a nafl qurbaani. After some years he realised that he had wealth put away which would have made qurbaani waajib on him. What does he do? Will the nafl qurbaani be counted for that years waajib qurbaani?