Girls Names

The meaning of Huda and Hannah

Q: May I please ask the correct meaning of Huda? Is it a girls name? Does it originate from the holy Quran and were there any sahabiyaats (Radiyallahu Anhunna) called Huda? Also the meaning of Hannah and where it originates from and of there is was anyone pious or a sahabiyaat (Radiyallahu Anhunna) named Hannah?

Keeping the name Zeenath

Q: I need origin and pronounciation for these names Aiza, Zaina, Simrah, Laiba? I am very confused. I want to keep Aiza and Zaina, but don't have proper pronounciation for this name. For Laiba some say it is not a good name to keep as it has different meaning in Arabic, now for Simrah some say the name doesn't exist? Please need details about these four names?

Names for girls and boys

Q: I was wondering if the following names are acceptable:

- Taariq as in, Taariq bin Ziyaad.

- Shurahbil who was involved in the Conquest of Syria - is he a Sahabi?

- Shurayh

- Jurayj as in the one mentioned in a hadeeth.



- Humaydah

- Rumaysaa (Umm Sulaym bint Milhaan?)

- Humayraa (Aa'isha (Radiyallahu Anhas) nickname?)

Please provide Arabic and meanings.

Girls names

Q: Please can you advise if the following names are suitable?

Alayna- princess

Diyanah- Religion

Liyanah- tenderness, softness

Aleena- silk of heaven, tender, soft

Myiesha- Life's blessing

Mysha- Happy for entire life

Misha- pretty