The name Raaniya and Rumaisa
Q: What is the meaning of name Raania and Rumaisa. Are they Islamic names and good for girls?
Q: What is the meaning of name Raania and Rumaisa. Are they Islamic names and good for girls?
Q: My husband and I are having our first child and we also wanted your advice regarding two other names we have chosen, Zahrah and Laila. Please advise the correct spelling and if these are acceptable names to keep for our soon to be baby girl?
Q: My husband and I are having our first child and we wanted your advice regarding a name we have chosen, Nuha. According to our understanding it means intelligence/wisdom. Please advise the correct spelling and if this is a good name to keep for our soon to be baby girl.
Q: Is it okay to name a girl maham?
Q: Just wanted to enquire if the name Nabila is good name to keep for a baby girl?
Q: I want to know if the names: Aleena, Sabrina, Zarinah, and Aziah are Islamic and acceptable. And if yes, Please tell me if you know the meanings.
Q: Is it right to name a baby girl tahreem/tehreem? Please clarify in detail.
Q: Please advise if the names Alayna and Laiqa is permissible?
Q: Is it permissible to keep the name alayna الينة as in the root ل ي ن not علينا the preposition. Alayna is derived from layyinah which is mentioned in surah taha. Alayna is also mentioned in surah yaseen. Is Aleena or liyana suitable names?
Q: I would like to know if the name Aleeza is an Arabic Name and what is the meaning of it? I have heard conflicting answers, in that it means the daughter of Ali (RA) or it means Joy/Happiness. Some say its from a hebrew origin.