Girls Names

Few girls names

Q: I am considering one of the following names for a baby girl:

  • Nuha
  • Taskeen
  • Zakiyah
  • Zarifah
  • Zakirah

Can you please give me the meanings of the above names and comment as to their suitability.

The name "Shasmeen"

Q: What does the name Shasmeen mean? Is it a good name to keep for a girl? Also I'm looking for a name for a boy that would not be mispronounced with regards to the correct tajweed pronunciation.

Keeping the name "Anaya"

Q: We intend to name our baby girl Anaya or Anaiah. You are requested to let us know the meaning of this word in English and if it's an extract from Qura'an. Please also let us know that if this word has some historic or cultural back ground.