Deviated Sects

Answers to Shias

Q: Recently I met up with a friend and started having the discussion about Islam. My friend identifies as a Shi'a and myself as a Sunni. During this discussion there has been some questions that have been bothering me. (Note: We weren't yelling or arguing with each other, we were discussing our viewpoints on certain topics and we were able to talk to each other respectfully.)

1. If Allah states in the Qur'an if you divide the religion of Islam then you have nothing to do with the prophet (6:156), then how are we suppose to decide how to follow our religion? Is it wrong to identify as a sunni or shia? Is it wrong to follow the practices our Imams showed us?

2. The significance of Hz Omar (RA) that lead to the modern day Sunnis. Does his changes in Islamic practice permissible or sinful? (i.e. changing how we pray and tarawih prayer)

3. Whats the importance of tarawih prayer?

4. What is the Sunni perspective of the 12 Imams (the descendants of our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?

5. There's a Hadith/Qur'an verse regarding the ablution and a word that says 'wipe' instead of wash our feet. Does that mean washing our feet mean we are performing ablution wrong?

6. Why Shi'a Muslims dislike the other three companions of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?

7. Was Hz Ali (RA) literate? 

Allegation made by the Shia

Q: I read somewhere that the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) threatened his wives to divorce and Hazrat Aisha (RA) is threatened many times with divorce in Quran. By threaten, I mean in a very severe manner. Is this true? Or is it a malicious allegation by Shia?

Murjiyah and Qadariyyah

Q: I have heard that RasoolAllah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned in a Hadith that two sects i.e. the Murjiyah and the Qadariyah do not have any share in Islam due to their corrupt beliefs. The Murjiyah sect believe that a person has no control or say over his or her actions and whatever happens it is due to the Will of Allah Ta'ala and the Qadariyah sect does not believe in Taqdeer and denies it. Please clarify.

Different sects

Q: What are all the Muslim sects that are not Sunni or Shia? (Not every single group from within each sect but all the sects of Islam that every Muslim group falls into i.e Sunni and Shia.)

Associating with shias

Q: Many of my muslim friends say that you can't eat at a shias house but I believe as long as they are muslims and share the kalima, there is nothing wrong as long as it is within the halaal limits. Kindly clarify because i have many ithn ashari friends and wouldn't like to cross Allah's hukum.


Q: Who are the people who believe in Peer and what is the knowledge and understanding behind this and why are we not allowed to believe in them even though we respect a religion?

The khawaarij

Q: In the details of the differences between Hazrat Ali (Radiyallahu Anhu) and Hazrat Muaawiyah (Radiyallahu Anhu) our opinon is that there was a ijtihadi difference. Hence whoever was right they will receive two rewards and the one in the wrong will receive a single fold reward. The query is why are the Muhakimiyyah/Khawaarij not afforded this choice, but rather they are branded as total outcasts, though not kafirs. I'd really appreciate your guidance in this matter.

Different sects

Q: I am very confused when it comes to sects in Islam (e.g. Shia, Sunni, Wahhabi). I live in UK and I see a lot of sects in Muslims here. Myself I belong from Sunni/Sufi background. I like to call myself just a Muslim and try to avoid sects. However, when I try to improve my knowledge of Deen, I get confused by the different opinions. Most of the opinions make sense to me as the scholars from every sect tend to come up with valid evidence. After looking at a YouTube clip of Dr Zakir Naik I got even more confused. He says that Quran is against sects (giving reference to the Quran chapter 6 verse 159- "Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do.”) Now my question is if the Quran doesn’t allow sects. Does that mean everyone who calls themselves Sunni Shia Wahhabi is not following the Quran? And if that’s true, then what is the best way to educate myself?