Hijaab and Niqaab

Woman going into her backyard without a scarf

Q: When I go outside to my back garden to throw something in the trashbin or do quick task, sometimes I don’t wear a headscarf or I wear it loosely. It can be inconvenient to have to put on proper hijab if I’m only going to go out for a few seconds. However, I usually peek out to see if the neighbours opposite our house have their lights on in their window and/or if they are actually looking out of the window at the time of me going to the garden. If I can see them then I will cover myself, otherwise I won’t. If a couple of strands of hair are visible then I don’t see it as an issue as they would not be able to see my hair all the way from their window. Is what I’m doing permissible?

Sin for not wearing niqaab

Q: I am a female and I wear abaya and scarf but not the niqaab (face veil). I am trying my best to cover my body properly and have heard that the face veil is waajib, however, my question is, do I get sin if I do not wear the niqaab? I do however wear the appropriate attire besides covering my face.

Islamic ruling on niqaab

Q: I reverted to Islam 5 years ago. I have a doubt regarding the clothing of women. What is the actual clothing of a woman according to Quran and hadith. Some say that niqab is compulsory and some says it is not. I know it's better to wear niqab. But I want to know what actually Allah says. What is compulsory or what is the sunnah.



1. Is it mandatory to wear hijab for a grown up Muslim woman and what exactly is Hijab?

2. Is it enough to cover her satar (hair and body except the face, hands (fingers)) or is it a compulsion to wear a black colour burkha as we wear in India?

3. What is ruling regarding talking to men of the opposite gender?

4. What if a woman is a civil servant wherein she has to follow a dress code, What is the ruling in such a condition?