Invalid Conditions

Seeking repentance for one's past sins before marriage

Q: If a man and woman commit zina before getting married. After their marriage, they had children and realized that what they have done before marriage was a sin. But they do not repent when being married because they dont have knowlegde that before marriage they had to repent.

After 6 years they got to know that they should have repented before nikaah, otherwise their nikaah is invalid. Is their nikaah valid or not as they repented after 6 years of marriage.

Making the condition that the husband cannot take a second wife

Q: I am planning to get married and proposed for a certain girl. The girl whom I want to marry said that if I accept the condition of not taking a second wife in the future, then she will marry me. Personally, I also do not want to take a second wife in the future. I want to spend my life with my first wife till I die. The question is: can we make the condition of not taking a second wife in the future at the time of the nikaah?

Making a condition that the husband cannot remarry

Q: I just wanted to ask a question. I am having my nikaah done at the mosque in a week. I have researched upon the topic of allowing your husband to remarry. I wanted to have a condition in my nikaah that my husband should not remarry whilst he is married to me. If he was to do so and hide it from me he will be negligent upon his part. My query is where I live we don't have any blank space etc on the nikaah form to write such a condition. Is it enough for me to just mention it to my husband at the time of nikaah or before etc? He is already aware this is what I want as I have told him before. But online I have read on many sites that you should mention these things at the time of the nikaah otherwise it will not be valid? Please tell me how I should go about it.