Qa’dah and Salaam

Muqtadi making salaam immediately after the imaam makes salaam

Q: Should a muqtadi make salaam after the Imaam has completed both sides salaam or should he make salaam afer the Imaam turns his head towards the right and then after the Imaam turns his head to left the we follow the Imaam, as we normally do?

Some people in Saudia told me that I should wait until the Imaam is done with salam on both sides then make salaam. Which method is correct?

Method of making salaam with the imaam after salaah

Q: Should a follower in salaah make salaam:

1. Simultaneously with the imaam

2. After the imaam (such that he waits for the imaam to complete his right salaam and thereafter does his own right salaam, then waits for the imaam to complete his left salaam and then does his own left salaam)

3. Do the right salaam after the imaam but the left salaam simultaneously with him

Sometimes an imaam has completed his head movement but is still stretching the words of the salaam. If we are to do our salaam after the imaam's, should we do it as soon as he has completed his head movement or should we wait until he has also completed uttering the words?

Raising the index finger during tashahud

Q: I have come across a Hadith narrated by Wail ibn Hujr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) on the description of the prophetic prayer in Abu Dawood, and there I found that we should raise the index finger from the starting of tashahud to the end of salah and we should slightly move (shivering/vibrating it in an infinitesimally small distance) but the people of my community raise their finger only while saying ash hadu an la I laha... (I know both of it can be done, but I would like to prefer the authenticity one) and so I did it up to now! Hanafi/Shafi school do it I think so, but could you please tell me what to do now.