Qa’dah and Salaam

Mistake in Attahiyyaat and Durood-e-Ebrahim


1. If one happens to omits portion of Durood Ibraaheem due to one forgetting it or making a mistake, is the Salaah valid?

2. If one happens to recite Tashahud and one repeats the portion( Ash Hadu...) where the index finger should be raised, perhaps due to getting stuck, should one raised the finger twice?

3. If yes, and it was not raised twice, is the Salaah valid?

4. Whilst in Salaah, during Durood Ibraaheem, one adds the words "Sayyidina" before the words and Names Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) and Ibraaheem (Alayhis Salaam), is the Salaah valid?

Moving the index finger in tashahhud


1. I have observed some Muslims during Salaah at the time of atahiyyaath they shake the index finger till Salaam. Did the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) do the same?

2. Whenever the Muazzin recites ash Adu Anna muhammadur rasoolullah some people touch the eyes and then touch the lips thrice. Did the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) do the same?

Incorrect pronunciation in tashahhud

Q: I have one major problem during salaah and that is that I cannot pronounce in the tahiyyaat the last letter (n) of the word " as saliheen" especially during the first tashahhud. So I keep repeating it, until I manage to pronounce it. If I will recite it as "as salihee" without the last letter "n" would that be also valid and the meaning still correct? Or should I recite like "as salih" without "een" at the end, like the tanween we do not recite at end of ayaats?

Waking up to adjust one's leg while sitting in Salaah

Q: When I am Salah in the first sitting, I cannot point my big toe forward sometimes as it cramps up so I have to move forward and just sit with my toes on the floor. Sometimes I do it just before it happens even though it has not cramped up I do it in preparation for it. Will this be regarded as too much movement and invalidate my Salaah? I sort get half up and then readjust my toe and sit down.

Tashahhud of Hazrat ibnu Masood (Radiyallahu Anhu)

Q: My question is that I've heard that it can be wrong to say assalamu 'alaika ayyuhan Nabiyuu because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wassalam has passed away and instead we should say al-salaam 'ala al-nabi as said by Ibn Masood in Sahih bukhari. Now, majority scholars say that we should not change tashahud after the death of prophet sallallahu alaihi wassalam but my question is Ibn Masood knows better than all of the current scholars because he was a sahaba so shouldn't we follow him because he knows better the prophet sallallahu alahi wassalam?

Another issue I have is that I came across a hadith where prophet sallallahu alaihi wassalam said that no supplication is accepted unless we send peace and blessings on him. I don't remember the source of this hadith so maybe you know. So can u tell me if it mandatory to send blessings on the prophet sallallahu alaihi wassalam every time we make dua and if we forget, that dua will be incomplete?

Pronouncing kaaf incorrectly

Q: I was reacting tashahud in the first sitting or last sitting (can't remember) of 4 rakat isha salah. I did not pronounce the small "kaaf" when I was reading "wa Rahmatullahi was barakatu" the kaaf of barakatu. So I went back to "wa Rahmatullahi" the recited from there till the end. Is my salah valid?