Sajdah and Jalsah

Tasbeehs in Salaah

Q: On Tuesday 25/7/17 a certain female gave a talk after the taaleem. (My cousin asked me this question) She mentioned that reading the relevant tasbeehaat during the different postures of salaah 3 x is actually for musaafir (travellers) and not for those not travelling. We should read upto 11 x tasbeehaat in each posture. We are not ulema so can the ulema please enlighten us...because as far as we know even the imams of the masaajid read 3 x. So have we been taught wrong all the years?

Musallees making sajdah on the step of the mimbar

Q: In order to create more space in the Musjid for Musallees on the occasion of Jumuah, we ask all the Musallees to move forward one step. The problem is that those Musallees in the first saff who are in line with the Mimbar, when they step forward, they have insufficient space for sajdah and thus make make sajdah on the step of the mimbar.

1.Is the Salaah of these Musallees valid?

2.If the Salaah is valid, is it Makrooh for them to make Sajdah in this manner?

3.In these circumstances, is it permissible to leave a gap in the first saff in line with the mimbar?