Rukoo and Qaumah

Tasbeehs in Salaah

Q: On Tuesday 25/7/17 a certain female gave a talk after the taaleem. (My cousin asked me this question) She mentioned that reading the relevant tasbeehaat during the different postures of salaah 3 x is actually for musaafir (travellers) and not for those not travelling. We should read upto 11 x tasbeehaat in each posture. We are not ulema so can the ulema please enlighten us...because as far as we know even the imams of the masaajid read 3 x. So have we been taught wrong all the years?

What should the imaam and muqtadi say when coming up from ruku?


1. Do you have to read samiallahu liman hamidah whilst getting up from rukoo or can you say it after you stand up?

2. Will the salah be invalid or makruh if one says it after getting up?

3. When praying salah in jamat, when the imam says samiallahu liman hamidah does the muqtadi have to say it too or can he just say rabbana lakal hamd?

4. Likewise, does the imam have to say rabbana lakal hamd or does he just say samiallahu liman hamidah and stays quiet after that?

Making a mistake in the tasbeeh of ruku' or sajdah

Q: In salah if I make a pronounciation mistake in sajda or ruku while reciting the tasbeeh first time or second time and if I correct it in the third time, will the salaah be still valid or the moment I make a mistake in sajda or ruku the salah becomes invalid. If the mistake happens in sajda or ruku, if I correct it the total tasbeeh becomes 4 times and in other sajdas it will only be 3 times. Does this difference effect the validity of salah and how to correct myself when I make mistake in sajda.

Levelling the back in ruku'

Q: Further to your advice that arms should be fully stretched during ruku' in Salat, please advise me further. I am a tall person with long arms, therefore in ruku' my back does not become horizontal without slightly bending my elbows. Am I excused from levelling by back, or it is not a requirement at all?