Mistakes in Qiraat

Pronouncing ه - ح and س - ص incorrectly

Q: I read a book called Umdat ul Islam written by Abdulaziz bin Hamidullah in Persian some 700 years ago that if one reads the word hamida of sami Allahu liman hamidah with the letter ه instead of ح the salaah becomes faasid. Is this correct, it was also written that if you read Allahumma salli, the word salli with a س and not a ص the salaah is faasid. 

The book in question is it a authorative book? It says also some strange things like that in Jami al Fatawa it is said that if a person makes zina with a animal the animal should be killed and burned, and the person should also burned or a wall should thrown on him.

Changing a letter during recitation in salaah

Q: I read in a book that if you change a letter during recitation in salaah, the salaah is broken. Such as reading the letter ت instead of  د such as at the end of Surah al Falaq reading HASET instead of HASED. But somehow when I recite HASED no matter how much I pay attention to recite it with D I hear a T sound at the end coming out. Does this still break salaah? To break salaah does it need to change meaning, if HASED is read as HASET does it change meaning?