Times for Qadha Salaah

Qadha Salaah after asr

Q: I understand that one can pray only qadha prayers after fajr and asr, but no nawafil salah. In the case of praying qadha prayers after asr, what time should they stop praying? How many minutes before sunset as this time is haraam to pray?

Qadha Salaah Fajr and Asr


  1. The prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) prohibited us from reading Salah after asr, so why are we allowed to do qadha namaz after asar and after fajr?
  2.  If one misses witr at night can we do qadha in the morning. If yes why because time has finished for witr at Dawn?

Qadha Salaah after fajr and after asr


  1. Can Qadha salaah (esp. Qadha Umri) be performed after the fardh of fajr and asr? If so then what salaah are not permitted at that time?
  2. On safar, a person does not perform a salaah e.g. asr. On returning home from the journey, does one perform qasr (i.e. 2 rakaats qadah) or 4 rakaats of qadah?
  3. Likewise, if a person omits a salaah e.g. asr in his hometown, whilst on safar does the person perform 4 rakaats of qadah or 2  rakaats of qadah for the salaah missed whilst still at home?