Sunnah and Nafl Salaah on a Journey

Status of the Sunnat Salaah while on safar


1) Whilst on Safar, are the four sunnats also reduced to two rakaats or does that rule only apply to the four fardh?

2) Whilst on Safar, is the 2 sunnah of Fajr compulsory and will one be considered sinful if they omit it?

3) If a person joins the Jamaat late and misses 3 rakaats in 4 rakaat fardh, they will stand up after the Imam makes Salaam, read 1 rakaat and sit for Tashahud again before performing the other 2 rakaats. Kindly explain which rakaats the Surah should be recited and which rakaats it should be omitted?

Performing the Sunnah and waajib Salaah when one is a musaafir

Q: I work in a hospital, Peterborough, UK as a medical consultant physician which 58 miles away from my house, Nottingham. I stay in hospital accommodation for 5 nights and I return to Nottingham for 2 night. Whilst in Peterborough I do attend the salah in jamaat in the local masjid, Peterborough for Fajr, Asr, Magrib and Isha.

1. With regards to sunaah and wajib do I have to do full as a mukim?

Besides, during zohr prayer I cannot go to the masjid but I do salah al Qasr if other people are not around in the hospital prayer room. I recently come across a hadith in Arba'een of Imam Nawawi RA that if a person is punctual with four sunnats of zuhr and two thereafter, Allaah will make hell forbidden for him. I just feel that I am missing this great blessing if I do salah al Qasr during zohr time.

2. In light the above, can I perform four sunnats of zuhr and two thereafter, in order to derive the above benefit? Mufti Sahib I would appreciate if you could give a comprehensive fatwaa.

Performing Tahajjud Salaah when one is on safar

Q: We understand that when a person undertakes a journey for a distance of more than 48 Miles/77 km from his city of residence, he is required to offer only 2 Rakaahs of Fard Salaah, if offered alone, up to 19 days of his stay in another city, as confirmed in Sahih Hadith. But, for those who regularly offer Tahajjud Salaah, should they continue offering Tahajjud Salaah for those 19 days while they are in a state of journey to another city? Or is there an exception for them. Please clarify.

Sunnat-e-Muakkada if one returns from a journey in the Salaah time

Q: I performed isha whilst being a traveller but I returned home before fajr time. Will it be ok for me to perform 2 rakaats isha followed by 3 witr (and skip the sunnats since they are not emphasized then), or must I since I know that I will return home before fajr also pray the sunnats (either whilst on the journey or when coming home)?