Appointing a trustee (mutawalli) for a musalla or masjid who lives at a distance from the masjid
Q: Kindly provide an answer to the following questions:
1. Is it permissible to appoint a trustee (mutawalli) for a musalla or masjid who lives about 20km away from the masjid and who does not come for salaah except about once in 3 months?
2. Is it permissible to appoint a trustee (mutawalli) for a musalla or masjid who lives about 6km away from the masjid and who does not come for salaah except about once a month? And he has very little knowledge of what is going on in the musalla/masjid with regards to the imaam, the water and lights, the geyser, etc.
3. If a person is appointed as a trustee, what are his responsibilities towards the musalla and towards the musallis?