
Using a tissue to check if one's haidh has ended


1. If a woman, to check the end of her period, cleans her private part, places a tissue there, waits 30 minutes, checks and sees no discharge - does this mean her period is over? Should she wait longer than 30 min before deciding?

2. Also at the beginning/middle of her period, does she have to make ghusl and pray during the times when blood is not flowing? For example, she sees blood at the beginning of her habit and realizes her period has started. Then she sees no blood for about half a day, then she sees blood again and the blood continues for days. During this half a day, is she considered to be on her period?

Remembering to make sajdah sahw while reciting Durood-e-Ebrahim

Q: When sajda-e-sahw is to be done, the procedure is that it will be performed in the last qa'dah, i.e. after tashahhud, one salam to right and then 2 sujood. Sometimes due to carelessness I recite part of durood after tashahhud and then realize that I have to do sajda-e-sahw then what should I do at that moment? Should I proceed to sajda-e-sahw at that moment?

Minimum duration of postures in salaah


1. What is the minimum duration for sujood, qaumah and ruku without which salah will be invalid?

2. If one says Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem and Subhana Rabbiyal Aala once only due to time constraints and if leading salah says Sami Allahu liman Hamidah and goes to sujood, would it suffice for salah to be valid or one has to wait for muqtadees to say Rabbana lakal Hamd?

3. If while leading salah, and in ruku the imam feels by the sounds of steps or running to catch the rakat, is it permisible for the imam to prolong ruku to allow them to catch the rakat?

Seeing blood on one's clothing after Salaah


1. If one finds his garment stained with blood, would he need to repeat his salah performed while wearing that garment? (bleeding due to shaving unneeded hairs and ghusl performed after that). Would his wudu be broken due to bleeding and will the clothes be considered napak? The stain was less thn an inch in all dimensions.

2. If the salaah needs to be repeated, would only the Fard salah be repeated or sunan and nawafil as well?

Mustahab times for salaah


1. If the asr time starts at 3.57 and sun sets is at 5.32, what is the mustahab time to perform asr and when does the makrooh time start?

2. If fajr starts at 5.25 and magrib starts at 5.34 what is the mustahab time to pray esha?

3. My salah app shows that sehri or tahajjud time ends at 5.16 and fajr starts at 5.25, Can I pray tahajjud between this time?