
Losing concentration and composure in Salaah

Q: I have a mental disability where I have psychosis, ocd, and split personality disorder. Sometimes in my Salaah it is not within my control to control the peace of mind and thus my ustaad ruled that for me, being in a state of peace or not does not count for me and my salaah will be fine. My question is, I sometimes do my Salaah when I am at peace but I mistakenly make the mistake of being not calm due to my illness. What should I do in this case with the Salaah that I have ruined in terms of I had already had peace in my mind and intentionally by accident got not peaceful?

Moving the index finger in tashahhud


1. I have observed some Muslims during Salaah at the time of atahiyyaath they shake the index finger till Salaam. Did the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) do the same?

2. Whenever the Muazzin recites ash Adu Anna muhammadur rasoolullah some people touch the eyes and then touch the lips thrice. Did the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) do the same?

Encouraging the husband to perform Salaah

Q: My question is about that my husband does not pray regularly even if he got time. He is lazy and he get depressed in life and he can't do a proper job. He gets angry with his wife, kids and family for little things. I want to ask you that as a Muslim how many times I have to tell him to perform Salaah and practise Deen? What shall I pray or do to better my circumstance because I really want my husband and kids to be good Muslims and good Da'ees in Islam?

Tahajjud Salaah

Q: I want to ask that if I fall asleep at night without offering Isha prayer (unintentionally) and then in the middle of night if I wake up, can I offer isha prayer and soon after that tahajjud prayer? Also, do I read tahajjud prayer before witr or after witr (completing isha prayer and then read tahajjud)?