Qadha for witr Salaah
Q: Is it necessary to make Qadha of Witr should you miss it?
Q: Is it necessary to make Qadha of Witr should you miss it?
Q: If I am in a Shafi'ee musjid for jumuah Salaah, do I follow the jamaat and read two rakaats or do I read my normal four rakaat zuhr salaah? (Note I am a woman).
Q: Is there any dua to be read between two sujoods? I have never heard of saying any dua between two sujoods. If someone does not say any dua between two sujoods, does he need to make sajda-e-sahw? I recently heard that one should say " Rabig-Firli" between two sajoods and if someone does not say then he has to make sajda-e-sahw. Is it correct?
Q: Can a person read his four rakaats of Zuhr (sunnats) at home prior to the azaan being given and proceed to the Musjid to read his four rakaats of Fard with Jamaat. Can this also apply for Jumma Salaah?
Q: Can we perfom the Sunnats of fajr before fajr time begins?
Q: When does the time of Maghrib Salaah commence and terminate?
Q: I suffer from a sever depersonalisation disorder. It prevents me from praying with reverence. I want to pray and I am now trying to memorize as much as I can of the holy Quran. I am so sad I want to pray but I can't feel that while I am praying I am standing between in front of Allah Ta'ala. I have been struggling with it for 7 years and I always make dua' and do everything I can to stop it from letting me live a normal life. I want to know what should I do? Am I being a bad Muslim because I keep skipping prayers?
Q: If someone believes that the Imam of the Musjid is a Shia, then is it permissible for that person to read Salaah behind this imaam?
Q: I want to know that can a woman offer Salaah before the congregational Salaah in the Musjid or does she have to wait for the congregational Salaah to be done in the Musjid before she performs her Salaah? Similarly what is the ruling for woman's zuhr Salaah on Friday?
Q: Is it permissible to recite two or more Surahs consecutively in a single rakaat of a Fardh or Nafl Salaah?