
Dua to be recited in jalsa

Q: Is there any dua to be read between two sujoods? I have never heard of saying any dua between two sujoods. If someone does not say any dua between two sujoods, does he need to make sajda-e-sahw? I recently heard that one should say " Rabig-Firli" between two sajoods and if someone does not say then he has to make sajda-e-sahw. Is it correct?

Omitting Salaah

Q: I suffer from a sever depersonalisation disorder. It prevents me from praying with reverence. I want to pray and I am now trying to memorize as much as I can of the holy Quran. I am so sad I want to pray but I can't feel that while I am praying I am standing between in front of Allah Ta'ala. I have been struggling with it for 7 years and I always make dua' and do everything I can to stop it from letting me live a normal life. I want to know what should I do? Am I being a bad Muslim because I keep skipping prayers?