jamaat salaah

Reciting tashahhud behind the Imaam

Q: When your praying namaz behind the Imam, in every salah in the final rakat when you are seated in tashahhud, the minimum you have to recite is the tashahhud dua and if you start reciting durood and the Imam does salam then you have to do salam as well whether you have finished reciting the durood and dua or not, is this true? And in Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib and Esha, after the second rakat when you are seated in tashahhud and you are reciting the tashahhud dua, if you havn't finished reciting the dua and the Imam stands up for the 3rd rakat, do you finish reciting the dua and then stand up or do you follow the Imam and stand up even if you haven't finished reciting the tashahhud dua?

Muqtadi's head touching the mimbar in Salaah

Q: Because of the Musjid being overcrowded and the mimbar being an obstruction in the first saff of the Musjid, a muqtadi happened to stand in the first saff directly in front of the mimbar, and when he (muqtadi) went into sajdah, his head touched the first step of the mimbar (he basically made the sajdahs with his head touching the first step of the mimbar). In the above mentioned case, was his (muqtadi's) salaah valid since he carried out his sajdahs in this manner?

Performing Salaah outside the Haram

Q: In the Haram Sharif the gates of the masjid are closed early. Many people pray on the marble or in the street. At times there is a large space in between the saffs. Will the salah be valid if there is a large space in between the saffs on the marble or praying in the street? By praying on the marble outside the Haram sharif masjid or in the street, will a person get the 100 thousand reward because the gates of the masjid are closed early?

Going late to the Musjid for zuhr Salaah

Q: I am at home and the zuhr prayer jamat will soon start in the masjid and I have only a few minutes to perform my 4 sunnats. If I perform the sunnats before I leave for the masjid, I will miss the beginning of the jamat (I will catch the last 1-2 rakats). Should I do this, or should I instead leave early to the masjid and pray the 4 sunnats after the fard, thus catching the jamaat from its beginning?