factors that break the fast

Making istinja while fasting

Q: I recently learnt in my madresa that we should be careful when making ghusl in Ramadaan and that we should be careful when washing our behind because water gets sucked up and that will break the fast. My question is how should we wash the behind and till what extent, so that the water does not get sucked up.

Fasting questions

Q: I have some questions about fasting. Could you please answer them when you have time Insha Allah?

1. During Ramadan, is it enough to make intention to fast for the whole month or it must be done for every day?

2. If it must be done for each day, when must be the intention done? Please don’t use difficult words that I won’t understand, could you please say from magrib till fajr, etc, as I find it difficult to understand the explanation other alims gave on some sites I read. Could you please give time frame for intentions for Ramadan, for kazas of Ramadan, for fasting 3 days of breaking an oath and for nafila fasting every Monday, Thursday and 13, 14, 15 of each month – is the time frame of intentions the same for all these fastings?

3. What if one forgot to make intention during the prescribed time, what must he do, fast anyway and then make kaza, kafara etc?

4. What if one is fasting his Ramadan kazas after the next Ramadan is finished only, what is the time frame for the intentions then, the same as normal Ramadan kazas?

5. What if I fasted one (or more) day and then realized my ghusl (I speak only of ghusl after menstruation, not after wet dream, etc) wasn’t correct, is my fast still valid in shaa Allah?

6. If I miscounted end of my period and made ghusl too early, but started fasting after day 10 of period (as max can be 10 days) is my fast still valid or not in shaa Allah?

7. if it is not allowed to insert cotton balls inside during fast when I have discharges, does it mean I have to be checking with a mirror every time if they are there and find that moment when they stop for a while or the best would be just make salah close to the end of its time even if then discharges are flowing?

Soapy and oily water going into the ear while fasting


1) When we are fasting, if oily water goes inside the ear when we are taking a bath, will our fast break and should we keep qadha fast?

2) When we are fasting if soap water goes inside the ear when we are taking a bath will our fast break and should we keep khaza fast?

3) When we are fasting how to prevent soap water, oily water, soap and oily water from going inside ear when we are taking bath will our fast break and should we keep qadha fast?

Flowing blood

Q: I counted my period to be over close to fajr, so I was making my ghusl early in the morning. Before ghusl I squeezed a spot on my body knowing it will bleed a bit. Indeed I saw blood which wasn’t really flowing but was there on the top of the little wound, I applied a napkin on the wound and blood was seen on it afterwards. Few minutes after I started making ghusl, immediately I can say. At the end of ghusl I somehow scratched the wound a bit and probably some blood gathered on the top again and may be flew, but because of water it wasn’t visible. When I finished ghusl I applied napkin again and saw again a little spot of blood on it. I washed that area, applied new napkin so that my clothes are secured from blood and made new wudu and made my isha and with with the same wudu. Fajr starts at 06:26 and I finished my witr at 6:28. Now please let me ask my questions as they are in my head, so that I in shaa Allah can use the knowledge for the future, because I can misunderstand your answer and be wrong in my worship to Allah.

1. If I have a wound that is fresh and blood is flowing – must I wait for it to dry or can continue with my wudu and salah even if I have time to wait? What if I don't have time? Is applying plaster or a napkin to secure clothes clean from blood really necessary? What if I don’t have a napkin or wound is on such a spot of the body where napkin won’t be attached to or I have no plaster with me, what should I do if obviously blood will flow out of the wound if I dab the wound during wudu or salah and my clothes can become najis too? Please explain me how serious is covering the wound if you have plaster and if you have not, is it necessary or not really, how serious is to wait till blood dries if you have time or if you don’t have time.

2. I have the same question for the situation when blood is not flowing but is only seen on the wound and the skin near it, it will be removed only if you dab it. Is the ruling the same here as in question number 1?

3. In both cases above what can be done with one wudu, sunna and fard salahs of the current time or also two fard salah, for example current asr and then next magrib not renewing wudu? Sometimes you can be out and don’t have possibilities to make new wudu or you are in the meeting. What must you do?

4. I have some qazas to repay, in cases described in question 1 and question 2, can I be making my qazas after a current fard salah all with the same wudu or have to renew it everytime or even wait till blood dries?

5. And finally with all my explanation above how I made ghusl and wudu, how late I was for witr and that I did my isha and witr with the same wudu – is my ghusl and witr valid in shaa Allah?