
Person who has scabs and open wounds making wudhu


1. I have persistent acne on my scalp and pimples often pop and pus/blood comes out. If a pimple pops then scabs, are these scabs impure?

2. If I wash my head when it has many scabs on it does the water become impure? If one of these scabs falls off, do I have to purify the area?

3. I also have a persistent toe infection that also drains pus/blood on and off at random times. For nearly all my fardh prayers, the infection spot is bleeding/draining pus. My question is, if my toe is bleeding/draining pus and it's time for prayer, how to I wash the area? I mean if I wash it normally, then the water that runs over it (which will no doubt run over the rest of my toe as well) will be impure, making my entire toe impure. How should I deal with this? In fact, how should one deal with washing bleeding limbs for wudu in general? If one runs water over it, the water becomes impure and everywhere else the water touches becomes impure. Is this impurity disregarded during prayer?

Making masah over a gauze

Q: For the reason of taking medication through drip, I have a covering on my arm just below the elbow. This is a plastic tap held by gauze and cannot be removed for at least two days. Is wiping with a wet hand on top of the gauze when performing wudhu correct?

Pimples on one's scalp

Q: I have been suffering for a while from persistent acne on my scalp. It seems nearly all the pimples on my head (and there are a lot) are filled with pus and when they pop, a lot of pus and blood comes out. They are also very sensitive and tend to pop even at a slight touch or even just by themselves.

1. Must I shower every time a pimple pops or can I pray after wiping as much blood away as I can?

2. If I check to see that a popped pimple has stopped bleeding, then I shower, do I have to recheck again after the shower to see if there is blood, or can I just get out of the shower without checking again (sometimes when I am rechecking with a tissue, this make the pimple bleed again)?

3. What if I was not aware of any popped pimples before I got into the shower, do i have to check for bleeding when I am done?

4. Also, sometimes I wipe my head and see blood on tissue but I cannot locate where the bleeding pimple is on my head, in this case can I just wait a certain amount of time, assume the pimple has stopped bleeding and shower?

5. Also, I am a woman and have long, relatively thick hair and the acne on my head is making it difficult to keep, not to mention the pimples itch so much and some are quite painful. If the acne becomes even worse, am I allowed to cut or shave my hair to make my scalp easier to treat?

6. Lastly, is there an Islamic treatment I can apply to my head for something like this.

Seeing blood on one's clothing after performing salaah


1. After I had passed stool, there was a lot of bleeding in my back part. I wiped until I saw no blood on the tissue, then took a shower, then prayed dhuhr and asr prayers. Then at maghrib I went to the bathroom, and saw even more blood. Do I assume that the bleeding started again after I prayed asr, or do I assume that the bleeding was going on the entire time and therefore I have impurity all over me (because I showered) and my prayers are invalid?

2. Also, I often have bleeding in my back part and the toilet tissue we use is not clear white - it naturally has yellow/brown/red bits in it (I think it is because the tissue is recycled) and this makes it hard to tell if something is blood/stool or just the normal color of the toilet paper. If I wipe until the toilet paper comes back clean, then wash myself, then check again using toilet paper, however during the check I notice some spots that I'm not sure is normal color vs blood/stool, so I check again, but this time the toilet paper is clean, can I assume I am pure?

Blood going down the throat unknowingly

Q: My gums are sensitive and bleed when I brush my teeth. I try to not swallow when my gums are bleeding however some saliva goes to my throat and since, short of actually throwing up, it would be quite difficult to get that back up and out, I end up swallowing whatever escapes to my throat. Also, my gums tend to continue bleeding (very lightly) for hours afterwards and not swallowing at all for that long seems near impossible. I don't swallow whatever remains in my mouth, and I try to not let it go to my throat. Am I sinning?

Frequent nose bleeds


1. If one has frequent nosebleeds and wipes inside his nose with a tissue until one sees no more blood on the tissue, then later clear mucus comes out, is the mucus impure?

2. Is one allowed to sniff mucus into the throat at this point?

3. After this, does the person have to rinse out their nose before making wudu?

4. Also, when rinsing out nose after a nosebleed, does one have to blow their nose or can they just let the water flow out (when blowing inevitably leads to impure water spraying everywhere)? Is it okay to rinse it out just once?

5. Lastly, if the water one draws up the nose goes into the mouth/throat, does one have to wash the nose again? Does one have also wash the mouth, if they feel the water go into the mouth?